Like a number of groups, my main one has a list of things we are not allowed to do. Unlike most groups, ours has swollen with items from games that only one or a few members were in. For your enjoyment, here it is.
Items marked * I was personally present for. Items marked ** I actually did.
Items marked * I was personally present for. Items marked ** I actually did.
- Not allowed to kill the Big Bad in the first round of combat.*
- Not allowed to use any plan that involves the words “moon the royal family”.*
- Really not allowed to actually pull it off.*
- Not allowed to start any religion involving worshiping a large sack of $#!%.
- Not allowed to introduce a min-maxed Half-Dragon Monk into the campaign just to see what the GM does.
- If my actions cause the GM to abandon the screen, I am not allowed back.
- When the game is using Gestalt rules, it is assumed that my character will be built so as not to drop to Dying status more than once per fight.**
- Not allowed to cause any incident that is later described with the words “In Soviet Russia, pie eats you!”
- Not allowed to play a character with a starting Intelligence or Wisdom more than three points higher than my own.*
- Care should also be taken with Charisma higher than I have.*
- The Staff-Sling Incident is not to be repeated.*
- Even if the dice say that it is.*
- Any plan that involves running off without telling the rest of the party is forbidden.*
- Especially if it requires a God-Call to fix the consequent problems.*
- Not allowed to use a command spell to make someone “answer truthfully” unless I'm prepared for anything he might say.**
- Must think twice before infiltrating a group of heavily-armed survivalists in the form of a raccoon.*
- Not allowed to do a barrel roll.*
- Not allowed to joke about accidentally killing another PC.*
- My +1 Strength character is not allowed to use a boulder as an improvised weapon.**
- Rolling boulders do more than 1d12 damage.*
- Not allowed to try defeating the Game-Master-Player-Character Mary Sue through force of numbers.*
- If at any point the GMPC is “So Beautiful, It's A Curse” or compared to the main character of the Twilight novels, the game is over.*
- Not allowed to confuse South America with South Africa.*
- Especially if I am naming well-known countries.*
- Malapropisms should not be used when applying for a permit of any kind.*
- Especially not saying “influenza” instead of “influence”.*
- Unless the PCs are of evil alignment, we must make some attempt to actually act like heroes.*
- Specifically, we are not allowed to do any of the following without suffering alignment shift or a Karma Meter hit: arrange an assassination, defraud the government*, usurp the local ruler*, pillage someone's cultural heritage (outside games where it is expected as part of the premise)*, unleash an undead apocalypse upon the Earth*, or jump another PC.*
- Really not allowed to do all of the above in the same game and retain Good alignment or Morality 7*.
- Even if none of us have taken the Common Sense merit, we must make some attempt to act like we have.*
- I must not make the GM think.**
- I especially must not ask about the Mr. Johnson's motives.**
- Even if I have three different reasons why my character would do so.**
- I am not allowed to say “That's what she said” more than five times in one session.*
- The same is true of “Your Mother”.*
- I must always be able to remember my character's name.*
- Must stop quoting movies. Specifically, the table is a Python-Free, Spaceballs-Free, Firefly-free, and a Fight-Club-Free Zone.*
- On a side note, it is somewhat ironic to quote XKCD when criticizing the quoting of Monty Python.*
- If I am having characters speak Mandarin Chinese, it must at least sound like actual Mandarin Chinese.*
- The wall does not have an initiative rating.**
- I must not mention basic thermodynamics around the cryokinetic.**
- I cannot announce that we are being led into a trap without rolling to check.*
- Especially when the bard is trying to negotiate the release of hostages.*
- It is assumed that by the end of the first session, all of the PCs will be in the same universe.**
- I must pick another character name if the GM can't pronounce it.*
- If characters from any D20 sourcebook are permitted, I should tell the person who owns the Forgotten Realms books before we start.**
- The soundtrack must be played quietly enough that we can hear the GM over it.**
- Not allowed to start with an anti-tank weapon.*
- When one prison escape attempt fails, I should not attempt another one.*
- No character may be both naked and conscious while attacking. Unless they're painted blue.*
- No player is allowed to make puns or jokes about flanking*, penetration, acid damage, the lay on hands ability, Bigby's clenched fist*, touch attacks*, mage hand*, wax rubbings*, territorial markings*, any psionic power**, flight maneuvers*, mounts*, tentacle attacks*, roleplay*, or reflex saves.
- Even unintentionally**.
- I must be specific when designating my targets. Specifically, I must not simply point across the table at another player and say “I attack that one”.*
- Before doing something suicidal, I must make sure that the cleric actually has a raising or resurrection spell.*
- The head sorcerer's privates cannot be used to unlock a door. The discussion is closed.* (I'm still not sure what he was thinking. Or smoking.)
- Must not mess with the obviously-trapped door.*
- If the GM asks how well I like my current character, I should just start rerolling.*
- We should try to avoid having more than one jailbreak per storyline.*
- I an not allowed to make the gm cry more than once per gaming session if I do so I understand that either myself or my character will be penalized.*
- Anything that makes the GM face palm or cry for more than a minute is vetoed.*
- We are not allowed to use Portal logic in D&D.*
- We are not allowed to run games when hungry or under the influence of any recreational substance.*
- Can no longer sing yellow submarine.
- When the GMs dice love the group things are going to hell.
- No Chuck Norris Jokes.*
- No starting character may have a dice pool of 3 times what the player can roll.*
- When an NPC rewinds time so that the party doesn't remember the past hour, I must tell the party.*
- Cannot accuse the GM of ripping off an anime he's never seen. Even if he may as well be calling the MacGuffin Δ67.**
- Cannot antagonize the Mr. Johnson, no matter how my character got involved in the story.**
- Cannot discuss the interaction of general relativity and magic unless we're playing Ascension. Or Genius.**
- Even if falls in this system are instantaneous, that does not mean I can break the lightspeed barrier. Regardless of what lim x->0- 1/x is.**
- Even if it's the precise definition given in the rulebook, cannot define “ally” in a way that makes the game literally unplayable.*
- When we have an assignment, there are better uses for the shadowrunning team's skills than raiding a neighbor's fridge. No matter what the neighbor has in there.*
- Cannot hand out Chaos Mutations like candy unless someone in the party worships a Chaos God.*
- If it's D&D, Chaos is an alignment. In Warhammer, Chaos is the enemy.*
- My sorcerer must know at least one spell involving fire.**
- Halflings are otherwise not permitted any kind of fire-based item, special attack, or other effect.*
- Cannot tell the rogue how to make a muzzle-loading musket with blastpatch.**
- Anything included as part of the Tomb of Horrors will not be used to bypass the same trap.*
- All MacGuffins and Plot Coupons are by default indestructible. This means that I cannot bypass the plot by chucking a candle required for a ritual into a wall of flame.**
- Even if my character has Addiction: God-Awful Fiction, they do not make books on tape of The Eye Of Argon.**
- There are better ways to test a suspected vampire serum than “strap the mundane to a table and inject her with it”.* (This one was done to me... all I can say is that it's a good thing none of us had triggers)
- I am not allowed to point out a plot hole by quoting from Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality.**
- I am not allowed to short-circuit the plot by using basic understanding of genre conventions. At least not until “Troper” becomes an actual Merit.**
- I cannot exorcise a ghost with a Ouija board and a mallet.** (Strictly speaking, I was also using the ghost's Anchors, but...)
- Not allowed to mention what the GM ruled last round when disputing a ruling this round.**
- I must not mention vector math in Fourth Edition. Fourth Edition is not a vector space.** (Seriously. It isn't. The closest approximation is an x-dimensional hypersphere with a radius of 10/pi feet and a surface cut in a complex x-3-dimensional pattern, where x approaches infinity.)
- I am not allowed to blindside the GM with canon material he hasn't read.*(Turns out immortals do not kill vampires on contact and are as subject to possession as psychics.)
- Watching one episode of The Boondocks does not allow me to speak street-slang. Especially in 2070.*
- The last rule should not be interpreted as meaning that those who have not watched The Boondocks can automatically speak street-slang. Especially in 2070.*
- Magic items are not “good eatin'” Especially in 2070.
- I will not add running gags to this list. ** (I'm the current Keeper of the List.)
- Not allowed to mess with trapped books.
- Not allowed to point out that a given setting is economically impossible.*
- No plans that depend on the dietary habits of the monster we are trying to kill.*
- There is a difference between a storm giant and several people on each other's shoulders in a Huge trenchcoat.*
- If Mr. Welch can't do it, I can't either.*
- Must not give the GM ideas.**
- Can't get a PC killed in a bar fight before the plot starts.*
- Dragonborn are not necessarily cannibals.*
- No eating bone jelly. No matter what Jell-O is made of.
- No Mexican homunculi.
- No being alive and dead at the same time.
- No screwing zombies.
- Just because I can understand complicated plots involving time travel does not mean my character can.**
- I will not bring up dice rolls in conjunction with sex if anyone who's read The Worst RPG Of All Time is within earshot.* (Seriously, dudes. Not Cool.)
- I will not mention real-world politics.*
- Must get new material if we insist on making Eye of Argon jokes. The priests/acolytes/shamen (sic) surrounding the altar of granite/marble/obsidian/stone masonry is getting old.**
- Not allowed to re-enact the March of the Ents.*
- Not allowed to re-enact the backstory of Exalted in D&D. Even if Minecraft would keep Asmodeus busy for a few millennia.*
- When the GM says “Do you really do X?”, I will reconsider actually doing X.*
- I will not try to solve a puzzle through creative use of murder.*
- Puzzles involving sacrifices are not considered a creative use of murder.*(We had one of those once. Did it completely wrong.)
- Nothing in the campaign is really halflings standing on one another's shoulders.*
- We must always remember that the head used for thinking is the one that contains the brain.*
- I must not quote another character if I cannot do so without giggling.**(And on that note, we should avoid putting our characters in a situation where they will have to sign a contract.)
- Dante did not write Inferno in D&D.**
- Cannot sing a song if I do not actually know the lyrics. Even if the Beatles did it once.**
- Not allowed to make jokes about Catholic priests and small children.*
- I am not allowed to rules-hammer someone with this list.*
- No character may start with a +5 item.* (I don't know WHAT I was thinking letting him get away with that. Next time I'm asking for char sheets ahead of time, and if it's not on the sheet you don't have it.)
- Resources 0 characters are not allowed more than one bonus granting item at creation.*(Or that.)
- I cannot start with a fire hose, flamethrower, or rocket launcher, even if they don't cost anything.*
- Holy water is not radioactive, saints are not mutants, and God is not the atom bomb.* (And again, I don't know what he's smoking.)
- Not allowed to make a rocket-powered boat. Especially if I don't have the materials to build a rocket.*
- The stars will not help you, unless you are a cultist and they are right.*
- Nothing in the game has a handlebar mustache.*
- Even if the method given in the module for destroying the Artifact of Doom makes no scientific sense and goes against common sense, I am not allowed to dissolve it in cleaning chemicals.*
- I am never again allowed to carry a lockpick into a module. If I do, I am not allowed to use it to sequence break.**
- Shadowrun is obviously similar to Shadowrun. *
- Even if the GM lets me have a pet weasel as a lifestyle quirk, I cannot get it cybered out, teach it how to use my equipment, and use it as an extra hand.*
- Even if the substance involved is technically a drug, using a drug gland to produce thermobaric explosives is abusing the implant's rules.*
- If I use my mouth to get myself onto a boat, I may only do so by having things exit it.
- If it's a cyberpunk setting, nothing in the rules says that rocketry and the internal combustion engine are impossible.**
- Unless it is immediately relevant, we do not mention the “Aztlan Incident”.**
- No Laughing Man references.*
- I am not allowed to reference game mechanics in character.*
- The GM is not an artist. We get it already.*
- When doing a trap check, I will not ask the GM if I can ever play poker with him.*
- I will only say “it seemed like a good idea at the time” if I tried something in the game.*
- I will not underestimate the potential stupidity of any player who seems to be making sense.** (Same guy. I am not playing in a game he's running until he's passed a drug test, as per rule 62)
- There is no such thing as a silenced melee weapon.*
- No one in the group is Kamina.*
- Must stop making jokes about eating potato chips.*
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